Spooky Halloween Happenings in King House, Boyle. The Green Lady’s Ghostly Trail by Enchanted Croi Theatre.
We are extscreamly excited this Halloween as it seems there will be some strange and spooky happenings taking place in King House, Boyle.
For those that dare to enter you will not be disappointed with the jumps and surprises, so get ready to be frightened. Once the clock strikes 5pm, the lights will go down and scare levels will increase. Expect fun and frights so dress up in your Halloween outfits to scare the ghosts away!
The price is €30 per POD of 6, maximum 6 in a POD and each POD to include an adult (to insure that no-one disappears or gets left behind…..)!
The booking line opens at 11am Tuesday 4th Oct, so if you would like to book a POD call 087 144 4739. Please note – a high level of interest is expected as limited POD’s available.
This event is funded by Roscommon County Council and the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sports and Media under the Local Live Performance Programming Scheme. Part of the Live @ Cultural Quarter collection